The quote that sparked a dream

"If I can put one touch of rosy sunset into the life of any man or woman, I shall feel that i have worked with God." G.K Chesterton. 

How often does it seem that good comes from hard situations. When we are stretched we usually never stretch back just the same and if we understand, that we are never meant to always be "the same" then we can rise to the challenge of being stretched. 

I woke to the words that no one wants to hear, "She isn't breathing." I flew from my sleep in a panic and looked over just long enough to see my sweet little baby's skin ashen in color. Thankfully I was able to move quickly and call 911 and before long i was sending my baby off in a ambulance with my husband and praying that she would come back home again rosy and beautiful.

She did come home again after a 12 day hospital stay where I was able to glimpse into a reality I've never seen before. The reality of having to visit your child in a hospital and the truth that complete strangers are more like angels sent in disguises of nurses and doctors. Every night I would look out the sliver of a window that faced west, and see the beautiful sunset and be thankful for the hope and beauty that God seemed to fill me with. 

Those kind of experiences change you. They are ones you never want to go through but always make you better for having gone through them. 

After that, I wondered how I could help or how i could make any type of difference and so I tucked away that idea and waited for it to become more. 

And just like it seems to happen, reading inspired me and I put action behind ideas and those ideas became a dream.

With the products I have created I wanted to bring beauty into everyday life but also support wonderful causes by donating 10% of all the proceeds from our sales to different charities I believe can help continue putting rosy sunsets into the lives they come in contact with. Beauty is all around us, it is in the nature we see every where but sometimes hardly notice till the sun is setting and turning everything the most beautiful shade of pink. It is also in the people we surround ourselves with and sometimes take for granted until we are praying God gives us just one more day with them. 



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